
Marie Callender's Comforts From Home Project

By Unknown → Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Marie Callender's. All opinions are 100% mine.

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Many of you already know that I am a huge supporter of our military troops. I myself, am prior military and my husband is as well. We also, still keep in touch with many of the men and women that we served with. So It is no surprise that I get excited when I discover that a product I enjoy is also a military supporter.

I recently discovered that this fall, Marie Callender’s is launching the Comforts From Home Project by bringing the comforts of home to those who protect America’s homes every day. I knew I had to get in on the action so I popped into my local grocery store and purchased a few of Marie Callender's participating products. (Look for the image below on specially marked packages.)

Marie Callender’s Comforts From Home Project makes it easy to support the brave men and women of the U.S. military. Simply enter the eight-digit code found on specially marked packages of Marie Callender’s dinners and desserts online at www.ComfortsFromHome.com, and they will send a donation to USO2GO. Each code entered equals a $0.50 donation to the USO2GO program.

USO2GO is a USO program that brings kits filled with electronics, sports gear, books, games and more to troops stationed in remote locations around the world. Each kit will contain the comforts of home, such as games, athletic equipment, books and furnishings. USO2GO kits help to transform a remote base into a place where troops can organize a pick-up football game, relax in beanbag chairs and swap stories, or send e-mails to loved ones back home. Visit Comforts From Home to learn more about how you can join Marie Callender's in helping to bring a little bit of home sweet home to our U.S. service men and women overseas.

Yummy!! Nothing better than supporting our troops and enjoying a meal in the process!

For every entry by 1/31/2015 of an 8-digit code found on participating products, Marie Callender’s will donate $.50 to the USO2GO program. Guaranteed minimum donation: $100,000. Maximum donation: $250,000. Limit 5 code entries per person/computer each day. Valid in U.S. Only.

To stay up to date follow Marie Callender’s Facebook.


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Jillur Rahman

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