Let's face it. Every house has them. Those unsightly objects you just can't stand to look at. Whether they are electrial cords, thermostats, or air vents. Here are a few common household eyesores and solutions to help you cover them up.
Hide your kitty litter inside a cabinet - Tutorial.
Cover you unappealing bathroom fans with something more attractive - Tutorial.
Changed the look of your floor/wall vents with a simple coat of paint. Tutorial.
Build a lattice wall around your air conditioner - Tutorial
Use cord hiders (found at your hardware store) to hide electrical cords - Tutorial
Use decorative baskets or make your own book storage to hide game controllers and t.v. remotes - Tutorial
Books also make great storage for wireless routers and modems - Tutorial
Hide your TV with artwork and a sliding closet rack - Tutorial
Use a piece of art to cover your thermostat or home alarm system - tutorial not found
Use stainless steel paint to upgrade your appliances and give the look of stainless steel without the cost - Tutorial

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